The Eternal God Is My Refuge and Underneath are the Everlasting Arms

Angela mcgahan


This piece speaks of times when one feels alone and isolated. It is

as if life, fun, community is happening all around the periphery of

your perception, but it is inaccessible, separated by a great

expanse. It is often hard to find the presence and comfort of God in

those moments, feeling closed in, but if we can pause and ask God for

His presence He is there.

The gold thread (representing the everlasting power and presence

of God) is between the two layers of organza and maybe not

obvious at first glance. But the comfort and strength of God is there

for us and it is a fixed and certain thing.

Here is an invitation – pause, ask the question – ‘Jesus where are

you for me now'?’

He promises that He is always with us. You might feel His peace, or

have a picture of you and he somewhere or just trust He is there

because He promises. What is it you want to bring to Him? What is

on your heart that you want to share? Then you might ask ‘Jesus

what is it that you want to say to me about this issue?’ Listen to

what He might say. It might be some words from the Bible or a

picture or words from a song. Something that is helpful,

encouraging, hopeful.


Here the idea is that God is at the centre of all things. There is

hand stitching throughout the piece, between the layers of organza

– his presence and strength underlying all things.


This piece has the everlasting presence of God holding all things,

all of us. How would we live if we lived believing that the eternal

God is our safe place, our home, the place where we feel safe,

sheltered from the storms or life and with Someone who loves us

and has the power to help us. Might we live joyfully, lightly, at

peace with those things flowing out from us to others. How might

we daily dwell in that place? You might like to ask Jesus and listen

to what He says.

The word refuge can mean home, place where we feel safe, easy

and at rest. It can also mean shelter, hiding place or dwelling place.

The everlasting God is my home, my safe place. How does that

feel to you?

Arm is a symbol of power and power in action, unlimited and



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