Madness of the Bulls

Julie Cook

Cook's enigmatic therapeutic textiles protect the body from ills with a sense of the medical. She sensitively combines found materials, cotton sheets, wool blankets, and pillow cases with stitch, tapes and ties. 

The matador wears a 'suit of lights', but their only real protection is courage, skill and faith. This collection affords emotional and physical defence during times of adversity, when the danger and risk is high but there are no safe places to hide. 

Julie Cook is funded by the Arts Council England's Grants for the arts programme, and is a recipient of a Crafts Council Development Award for 2005/6. 



BA (Hons) Jewellery 
Middlesex University London 

Contact: 020 8364 0975 - 

‘Shoes of Suerte' 2005 (photo: J Cook) 


Designs for Glass


Maternal Gaze