Backward Looking/Forward Thinking

Charlie GOdet thomas

Charlie Godet Thomas focuses on the anxieties inherent in loss, recollection and mortality. 

Some works explore transience from a Pantheistic position and are characterised by their poetic quality, whilst others are nihilistic and stripped back leaving little room for sentimentality. 

Photographs that speak in some way about Charlie's interest in the ephemeral act as points of departure for more sculptural artworks. Photography is used to make sketches - faulted but swift records of fleeting moments. 

In some pieces the photographic image is still present, all be it fragmented or distorted. In others it is not physically present at all, paying testament to the artist's frustration with his starting point. 

"Sometimes you look at a photograph and it does not align itself with your memory, I want to bring back the exactitude of the moment. The nature of time deems that I fail, but I try none the less." 

Transience is a central theme in our cultural history and Charlie takes full advantage of this, using quotation to draw our attention further to the flow of culture and thus to the passing of time. 

Charlie Godet Thomas is an artist pursuing a Stoic practice. He feels that by confronting mortality continuously from a variety of angles he has been able to live a freer existence. 


Dogs of London


Lines of Beauty