Lines of Beauty

venetia norris

Venetia Norris has created a collection of original drawings. Her love of the natural world and keen observation act as the foundation for her artwork. Inspired by striking orchid forms, she communicates the delicate yet resilient personality of the plant. Drawing from life Venetia enjoys the process of layering marks onto a surface through varying the pressure, direction, amount of ink, speed, movement and paper. She combines colourful fluid brush strokes with considered bold marks. Her artwork constructs an intricate maze of lines exploring the inherent beauty of the orchid. 

Venetia completed a foundation year at Chelsea Art College and graduated from both London College of Fashion & Sir John Cass Art School, with two Bachelor of Arts degrees. In 2009 she held her first solo show at Riverside Studios and exhibited at the Affordable Art Fair in 2010. Her work has featured in a wide range of exhibitions including the Society of Women Artists Annual Show & the 'Discerning Eye' at The Mall Galleries, London. A forthcoming exhibition will be held in The Gallery, St Martin-in-the-Fields, London WC2N 4JJ 19 September – 2 October 2011. 

Venetia is inspired by the world around her. Since the age of five she has been recording her surroundings and thoughts in sketchbooks. Drawing almost every day, she currently lives and works in South London. 


Backward Looking/Forward Thinking


Fantasy Island: Part 1