A Retrospective

tiago mattis

"The idea of this project was to highlight some of the buildings and locations that make the local landscape unique. All of the views are from a pedestrian point of view and I would like to invite you to think of it as a walking tour of the local area. 

These iconic structures are personal to me, from the monolithic skyscraping tower to the tessellating council flats and the art deco- style public toilets. Most people in the community have their own favourite landmarks that stand out for them, and I invite you to see mine. 

Growing up in Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster, these buildings and views have been a backdrop to my life and I wish to celebrate them through this collection of studies, as well as to create an appreciation of the ever-changing area as it is in the moment. 

Art is a way for me to move through life and for my fist solo exhibition I wanted to capture the local landscape, reflect some of my history and look back in some way." 

- Tiago Mattis


Palazzo Dario

